Thursday, October 16, 2008

2008 Poker Tournament

The poker is just about a month away. I have given out tickets to a couple players, but still need to get the rest out soon. Each player will be responsible to sell 5 tickets at the start. If you sell them quickly, you can get more to sell. We are also hoping promoting the tournament in different arenas will allow us to sell them all as well... if you know of a good place to take a flyer to promote the tournament, please do so. Please put my contact information on the flyer.
Craig Coovert, Head Fastpictch Coach- Bellarmine Prep, 253-973-9389

Also, we want to use this blog as a place to discuss what's going on with our ticket sales. If we are struggling to sell them, if someone needs more to sell, etc. Please try to check this blog often for updates. We can simply comment on this post to create that conversation.

Thanks for everyone for helping with this, I think it will be a good fund raiser!

Coach Coovert


Anonymous said...

Who is coordinating the volunteers? I would like to volunteer to help with the food and beverage service - I can also be there early for set-up and check-in if needed.
Michelle Schilter

Jazz24 said...

Email sent Sunday night, Nov. 2

Hello everyone,
I wanted to give everyone an update on the Poker tournament, and also try to get some more information from everyone. From what I can tell, sales are going quite well. We have had $1,260 turned in (21 tickets), however, from conversations I have had from other players, we have sold around 50 tickets. Also, once you have sold all your tickets, please try to sell more. A big thanks to Alison and Lauren, who both have sold around 15 tickets, Andrea has also sold 10. We still have a way to go though. Our goal was to sell 125 as a team. So, please keep trying to sell tickets. Also, if you have sold tickets, we need to start collecting the money and ticket stubs. You can turn the money and ticket stubs into me at the Pie Sales on Tuesday or Wednesday.

If you could please respond to me letting me know how many tickets you have sold, I would really appreciate it. Also, if you are having difficutlies selling the tickets, please let me know that as well...

As for the tournament itself, it is moving along. Jesse Redmon is handling all the logistics, so if you have said you would help out with things and haven't heard back, give him an email:

thanks everyone!


ps. Lynsey should have gotten a hold of everyone about pie sales. If anyone was not contacted, please let me know...